Gray cloudy days
are killing me.
A water pitcher
I cannot move:
the heavy weight,
the fear of spills,
I must not pour
for my love drowns,
I am too much
to safely drink.
And there you hang,
malignant clouds,
two straight weeks
threatening rain.
Umbrella Poem
The water bottle
is not an umbrella
still it rains
despite my thirst
since you happened
I forget things
I meant to grab
the umbrella
a bleak, Fall rain
the seasons
must have changed
when you undressed me
now Summer’s cooled
and you have cooled
remember now
that moment when
the happy patter of
words keeping pace
the easy rainfall
of your songs
broke silent
now broken Fall
***Umbrella Poem was published in July 2020 by Streetlight Press ***