Can’t write with
these old words
in this new land
I am Magellan
got my compass and
some drunk untested math
choking on salt water
charging boldly over
churning warning seas
dark waves curl
like ribbons
through a mermaid’s hair
while I admired her beauty
my words went swimming off
to where they felt more safe
so I stand without them
naked on this beach
there are no church bells here
I move my lips to kiss
and call this kiss a psalm
this is how new language
will begin
and like Magellan
who kept heading out to sea
no longer does my old world
feel like home
Gypsy Dreams
Thinking I could hear your drums
crawled out my bedroom window
with a knapsack and a knife
I ran with thirst, I drank too many stars
then passed out with five wolves
beneath a tree, and wondered
if I dressed myself in furs
could I trick you into thinking
I was brave enough to dance
with your wild tribe?